*Parent note: The assignment paper is labelled Reading Week 3 - Lesson 5 and has been included in your child's package. Please share a photo of the assignment with your child's teacher when it is completed.
Week Three - Lesson Six
Watch the following video. Stop at 15:00 as the assignment attached is different than the one shown in this video.
*Parent note: The assignment paper is labelled Reading Week 3 - Lesson 6 and has been included in your child's package. Please share a photo of the assignment with your child's teacher when it is completed.
Read Aloud Week Three
Click on the video to hear A Bear for All Seasons. Once you hear the story please answer the questions below:
- What was the setting in this story?
- Who did you see enjoying creation in this story? How did they show it?
- What is Bear’s favourite season? Why?
- What is your favourite season? Why?
- Write down 5 adjectives from this story.
Week Four - Lesson Seven
*Parent note: The assignment paper is labelled Reading Week 4 - Lesson 7 and has been included in your child's package. Please share a photo of the assignment with your child's teacher when it is completed.
Week Four - Lesson Eight
*Parent note: The assignment paper is labelled Reading Week 4 - Lesson 8 and has been included in your child's package. Please share a photo of the assignment with your child's teacher when it is completed.
Read Aloud Week Four
Click on the video to hear Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Bullies. Once you hear the story please answer the questions below:
- Why couldn't Howard fall asleep on Sunday night?
- What should you do if you or someone you know is being bullied?
- How can YOU be a Justice Seeker in your community, school, or home?
- Why did the author use bold words and capital letters for some of her words?
Read Aloud Week One
Click on the video to hear the story about Charlie the Caterpillar. Once you hear the story please answer the questions below:
- How did Charlie feel when he was a caterpillar? Why?
- How should a real friend treat you?
- How did God create Charlie to be beautiful?
- Find 5 words that it you could use Flippy Dolphin to solve.
Week One - Lesson Two
*Parent note: The assignment paper has been included in your child's package. Please share a photo of the assignment with your child's teacher when it is completed.
Read Aloud Week Two
Click on the video to hear the story of Papa's Pastries. Once you hear the story, answer the questions below:
- Why was Papa making pastries?
- What happened when he went to the villages to sell the pastries?
- How did all the people that Papa showed kindness to help Papa’s family in the end?
- Write down 5 verbs from this story.